Some related links¶
Jean Garrigues courses (in french)¶
Internet Finite Element Resources¶
MUMPS: a MUltifrontal Massively Parallel sparse direct Solver¶ or
SuperLu: Sparse Gaussian Elimination on High Performance Computers¶ or
Some project using GetFEM and/or Gmm++¶
IceTools: an open source model for glaciers.
Examples of publications based on GetFEM¶
Andreykiv A. and Rixen D.J., Numerical modelling of electromechanical coupling using fictitious domain and level set methods. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng 2009.
Chouly F., Mlika R. and Renard Y.. An unbiased Nitsche’s formulation of large deformation frictional contact and self-contact. Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engng., 325:265–288, 2017.
Fabre M., Pousin J. and Renard Y. A fictitious domain method for frictionless contact problems in elasticity using Nitsche’s method. SMAI J. of Comput. Math., 2:19–50, 2016.
Poulios K., Renard Y. An unconstrained integral approximation of large sliding frictional contact between deformable solids. Computers and Structures, 153:75–90, 2015.
Poulios K., Niordson C.F., Homogenization of long fiber reinforced composites including fiber bending effects, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 94, 433-452, 2016.
Lozinguez E., Barthélémy J.-F., Bouteiller V. and Desbois T., Contribution of Sacrificial Anode in reinforced concrete patch repair: Results of numerical simulations. Construction and Building Materials, 178 (2018) 405–417.
Vtorushin E.V., Application of mixed finite element to spatially non-local model of inelastic deformations. Int. J. Geomath. 2016.
Windhoff M., Opitz A., and Thielscher A., Electric Field Calculations in Brain Stimulation Based on Finite Elements: An Optimized Processing Pipeline for the Generation and Usage of Accurate Individual Head Models. Human Brain Mapping, 34(4), 923-35, 2013. DOI: 10.1002/hbm.21479.