User Documentation¶
- Introduction
- How to install
- Linear algebra procedures
- MPI Parallelization of GetFEM
- Catch errors
- Build a mesh
- Build a finite element method on a mesh
- Selecting integration methods
- Mesh refinement
- Compute arbitrary terms - high-level generic assembly procedures - Generic Weak-Form Language (GWFL)
- Overview of GWFL
- Some basic examples
- Derivation order and symbolic differentiation
- C++ Call of the assembly
- C++ assembly examples
- Script languages call of the assembly
- The tensors
- The variables
- The constants or data
- Test functions
- Gradient
- Hessian
- Predefined scalar functions
- User defined scalar functions
- Derivatives of defined scalar functions
- Binary operations
- Unary operators
- Parentheses
- Explicit vectors
- Explicit matrices
- Explicit tensors
- Access to tensor components
- Constant expressions
- Special expressions linked to the current position
- Print command
- Reshape a tensor
- Trace, Deviator, Sym and Skew operators
- Nonlinear operators
- Macro definition
- Explicit Differentiation
- Explicit Gradient
- Interpolate transformations
- Element extrapolation transformation
- Evaluating discontinuities across inter-element edges/faces
- Double domain integrals or terms (convolution - Kernel - Exchange integrals)
- Elementary transformations
- Xfem discontinuity evaluation (with mesh_fem_level_set)
- Storage of sub-expressions in a getfem::im_data object during assembly
- Compute arbitrary terms - low-level generic assembly procedures (deprecated)
- Some Standard assembly procedures (low-level generic assembly)
- Interpolation of arbitrary quantities
- Incorporate new finite element methods in GetFEM
- Incorporate new approximated integration methods in GetFEM
- Level-sets, Xfem, fictitious domains, Cut-fem
- Tools for HHO (Hybrid High-Order) methods
- Interpolation/projection of a finite element method on non-matching meshes
- Compute \(L^2\) and \(H^1\) norms
- Compute derivatives
- Export and view a solution
- A pure convection method
- The model description and basic model bricks
- The model object
- The brick object
- How to build a new brick
- How to add the brick to a model
- Generic assembly bricks
- Generic elliptic brick
- Dirichlet condition brick
- Generalized Dirichlet condition brick
- Pointwise constraints brick
- Source term bricks (and Neumann condition)
- Predefined solvers
- Example of a complete Poisson problem
- Nitsche’s method for dirichlet and contact boundary conditions
- Constraint brick
- Other “explicit” bricks
- Helmholtz brick
- Fourier-Robin brick
- Isotropic linearized elasticity brick
- Linear incompressibility (or nearly incompressibility) brick
- Mass brick
- Bilaplacian and Kirchhoff-Love plate bricks
- Mindlin-Reissner plate model
- The model tools for the integration of transient problems
- Small sliding contact with friction bricks
- Large sliding/large deformation contact with friction bricks
- Numerical continuation and bifurcation
- Finite strain Elasticity bricks
- Small strain plasticity
- ALE Support for object having a large rigid body motion
- Appendix A. Finite element method list
- Appendix B. Cubature method list
- References