What’s New in GetFEM 5.4¶
The main contribution of this version is a fully functional scripting language interface to Octave and support for definition and condensation of internal variables.
Released version, 2020/04/22.
The main changes are:
A fully working Octave interface. Many thanks to Abderrahmane Bendali for the initial adaptation of this interface from Matlab’s one.
Support for (internal) variables defined at integration points
Full support for the automatic condensation of internal variables by local equations expressed in the generic weak form language. Useful for instance in the implementation of plasticity models.
The use of Python 3 instead of Python 2.7 by default
Support for Hybrid High-Order methods
Support for the the assembly of product of terms defined on two different domains (integration on the product of two domains with a kernel, for instance).
Support for Lumped Mass Matrix
Support for Houbolt method